Despite a wealth of international research indicating the importance but also the
dearth of explicit reading comprehension instruction in classrooms, current classroom
reading pedagogy does not appear to have acknowledged and addressed this
shortcoming to any significant degree. This is cause for some considerable concern,
as today’s students require effective, metacognitive reading comprehension strategies
in order to succeed in a vastly expanding multi-literate textual environment. This
paper will discuss a recent study, involving a survey (n=278) and interviews(n=12), which examined current beliefs and understandings regarding reading, aswell as reading pedagogy and practice among teachers at primary level in Ireland.
The findings revealed that current reading pedagogy, as indicated by the surveyed
teachers, relies heavily on decoding instruction and an affective approach to reading
while explicit comprehension instruction practice remains secondary and more the
exception rather than the rule. The paper will attempt to examine possible reasons as
to why current reading pedagogy remains ‘un-balanced’ in this manner while also
exploring possible avenues for improvement.