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Taylor, A.J., O'Halloran, J.
Bird Study
Diet of Dippers Cinclus cinclus during an early winter spate and the possible implications for Dipper populations subjected to climate change
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The prey composition of the diet of Dippers Cinclus cinclus was shown to differ between baseflow and spate conditions. In southwest Ireland, faecal pellets were collected during a heavy spate in early winter 1991 and during a period of baseflow conditions three weeks later. The diet composition differed significantly between the two periods. During baseflow conditions diet was dominated by trichopteran larvae, especially Limnephilidae, whereas during the spate period diet was composed primarily of ephemeropteran nymphs, particularly Baetidae, and dipteran larvae of the family Simuliidae. Diet during the spate period also contained greater proportions of prey taxa of terrestrial origin. Enhanced hydrological cycles with greater precipitation, predicted under current climate change models, may have an effect on the diet of Dippers and this is discussed.
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