We evaluated the need for a structured Neonatal Resuscitation Programme (NRP) by means of a questionnaire sent to 25 Irish maternity hospitals inquiring about staff availability and current teaching structures. Having taught NRP to almost 1000 health care providers, we present a descriptive evaluation of the programme by a sample of 429 NRP participants, exploring their opinions of NRP. Our results show that midwives were responsible for newborn resuscitation at all low risk deliveries. Only 5 units (23%) had a registrar available on-site 24 hours a day, while the remaining units (77%) had to summon additional medical help from outside, in emergency situations occurring outside of normal working hours. Resuscitation equipment was checked by nurses alone (52%), or by a nurse and physician (48%), on a daily (45%), alternate days (41%) or weekly basis (14%). Although 19 units had some form of neonatal resuscitation training available, only 35% of respondents were happy with the current training structures. Almost half of the 429 providers (45%) replied to the survey. Most (85%) indicated that NRP improved their skills and confidence. Two thirds of participants found the lesson on medications the most difficult theory lesson, while 45% found endotracheal intubation the most difficult skills station. Because of the wide geographical distribution of deliveries in this country, we conclude that all perinatal professionals should he trained to perform newborn resuscitation in a coordinated, team-approach manner. NRP provides such training with a high degree of approval from Irish health care providers.