Book Chapter Details
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Jools Gilson-Ellis
2002 Unknown
Digital Creativity: A Reader.
Loa & Behold: Voice Ghosts in the New Technoculture.
Taylor & Francis
Oxford & New York
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Jools Gilson Jools Gilson-Ellis Richard Povall half/angel The Secret Project Spinstren mouthplace dance choreography new technology
This article suggests that the use of femininity and voice in digital art practice has a powerful potential to conjure provocative spaces in the new technoculture. Using a range of theoretical writers including Margaret Morse, Nell Tenhaaf, Simon Penny , Brenda Laurel and Sue-Ellen Case, the article traces contemporary thought on femininity, technology and voice. Gilson-Ellis uses her own choreographic / poetic practice as examples in these discussions. Through an adaptation of Sue-Ellen Cases's proposal of the voudou vever and the loa, the article suggests that the voice in relation to writing and new technologies has a radical potential to open up alternative kinds of spaces in digital art practice. 
Colin Beardon & Lone Malmborg
Grant Details