Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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M G Dunne, P J Mc Carthy, E Wolfrum, R Fischer, L Giannone, A Burckhart and ASDEX Upgrade Team
Nuclear Fusion
Measurement of neoclassically predicted edge current density at ASDEX Upgrade
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tokamak plasma equilibrium bootstrap current cliste code
Experimental confirmation of neoclassically predicted edge current density in an ELMy H-mode plasma is presented. Current density analysis using the CLISTE equilibrium code is outlined and the rationale for accuracy of the reconstructions is explained. Sample profiles and time traces from analysis of data at ASDEX Upgrade are presented. A high time resolution is possible due to the use of an ELM-synchronization technique. Additionally, the flux-surface-averaged current density is calculated using a neoclassical approach. Results from these two separate methods are then compared and are found to validate the theoretical formula. Finally, several discharges are compared as part of a fuelling study, showing that the size and width of the edge current density peak at the low-field side can be explained by the electron density and temperature drives and their respective collisionality modifications.
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