Conference Publication Details
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A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel
CIB W78 2010,Cairo
“A Comprehensive Vision on Cartography of EU and International Research Initiatives with RTD Gap Analysis in the Area of ICT for Energy in Buildings”
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RTD, ICT, Gap analysis, information and communication technologies, energy efficiency, research and developments, categorization, gap analysis.
Cairo, Egypt

This paper analyses the status of current researches in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the improvement of Energy Efficiency (EE) design and operation of buildings.

Currently, research and technology developers focus on different domains and sub-domains in the area of EE, such as the integration of renewable energy sources and related monitoring, simulation, and management software. In order to improve harmonisation between different research and technology developments (RTD) including International and European research projects and scientific programs these activities need to be categorised and analysed. As a result of RTD gap analysis, the challenges, commonalities, deficits, and potentials for collaboration are identified contributing to the development of a “Scientific Road Map”.

This paper focuses on development of a comprehensive vision on Cartography of recently completed, ongoing, and recently announced research European projects and International research initiatives for further implementation of its results in global vision of the REEB project [cf.], and proposes a systematic categorization approach to identify gaps in the current research agenda in the area of IT for Energy in Buildings.

Our RTD gap analysis is based on a qualitative categorization specifying common classification criteria.

At the present, there are more than 270 projects worldwide were analysed, five Main Classification Categories (MCC) were developed.

The proposed methodology should allow the identification of deficits of the related research activities within the specified Main Classification Categories
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