Conference Contribution Details
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Barra O'Donnabhain
Society for American Archaeology, 78th Annual Meeting
Americans Abroad: Providing Meaningful Archaeological and Cultural Experiences in an English-Speaking Destination
Honolulu, Hawaii
Oral Presentation
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Ireland has for long been a popular destination for US-based students seeking to study overseas. However, as the US government and institutions of higher education are pushing students to participate in programmes at non-traditional destinations, is the Irish experience still relevant or valid? This paper explores the reasons why Ireland became an attractive destination in the first place and critically evaluates the position of ‘traditional’ locations and their ability to compete with non-traditional venues and to recruit US students in the future. It will present the type of research experiences developed countries may offer to field school students and explore whether such experiences are sufficiently ‘exotic’. It will examine the place of archaeology in general in the context of the desired outcome and intended goals of the Simon Study Abroad Act and will suggest that archaeology itself is non-traditional and offers students meaningful and transformative cultural experiences. In this context, the research location itself is of secondary relevance.