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O Leary, K; DiBlasi, Z; O Sullvan, D; O Riordan, M
Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference
Expressions of Gratitude during Pregnancy in a Diary-based Randomised Clinical Trial
Poster Presentation
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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate pregnant women’s subjective experiences of gratitude. Subjective gratitude has yet to be fully examined, particularly during transitional life periods, such as pregnancy.

Method: Five pregnant women completed a month-long gratitude diary intervention by listing up to 5 things they felt grateful for daily. At the end of the study participants emailed diary entries to the researcher for analysis.

Results: Thematic analysis was conducted on 43 diary entries. This identified 7 themes: (1) being pregnant (2) feeling and seeing the baby; (3) baby as a person; (4) medical experiences; (5) support from friends and family; (6) daily life; (7) looking ahead.

Conclusion: This study suggests that during pregnancy, gratitude can arise from both general and pregnancy-specific sources. It is necessary for future research to consider the multifaceted nature of gratitude during this specific transitional life period.