Conference Publication Details
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Otreba, Menzel, Siddig
International Conference Clean technology for smart cities and buildings
A concept of intelligent facade system
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Renovation, Modularity, BIM, Façade Design, Energy Performance, Single zone approach.
ABSTRACT Older buildings represent a significant percentage of total building stock in Europe, therefore their impact on energy consumption needs to be addressed. The integration of smart and renewable technologies is a widely accepted and chosen way to approach changes to these buildings. Most of existing buildings, commercial, require some form of changes and renovation could be the only choice considering different constraints (financial, listings order, etc.) to achieve a desirable level of the performance. One of the benefits of the approach presented in this paper is that each room or zone can be renovated independently of the rest of the building minimizing any disruptions to the operational processes of the building. The concept is based on an intelligent façade design and focuses mainly on four aspects of the design 1.The architectural aspect describes modularity on different levels: whole system level, component and sub-component level. 2.The structural section describes how the facade system and its application will influence the existing host structure of a renovated building. This part is split into three scenarios: facade replacement, application of a new skin, window unit replacement including integrated additional panels fixed to an existing wall. 3.The energy and control section will describe a process to establish the performance of the new concept deployed on a single zone. It will also verify the viability of the renovation. 4.The Control and monitoring section of the design describes the control logic of the system. Finally the concept will be applied to a case study for one of the University College Cork campus buildings, Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). This case study will simulate a renovation process of the IT laboratory. The case study will involve replacement of existing single glazing windows with new modular units. Each unit will integrate an energy cogeneration or energy storage system with the ability to extend their harvesting capabilities through external wall based panels.
Carbon Neutral Building Projectc
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