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Hill, M,O' Mahony, C,Duane, R,Mathewson, A
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Performance and reliability of post-CMOS metal/oxide MEMS for RF application
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This paper describes work carried out to assess the elastic performance of microelectromechanical (MEMS) test structures in a post-CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) metal oxide process. Electrostatic pull-in measurements are used to extract the residual stress, elastic modulus and stress-gradient for the process. Results are presented for metal structures and for composite metal/oxide structures. The extracted parameters are compared with values obtained from blanket film measurements and from analysis based on bulk material properties. Test structures have also been tested for cycling repeatability. A drift is observed in successive cycles of electrostatic actuation and this drift is attributed to charge trapping in the nitride passivation of the underlying CMOS process. A charge-balance model is used to estimate the trapped charge and the effect of actuation voltage polarity is also discussed. The results indicate that satisfactory elastic performance of mechanical structures is dependent on process conditions but can be achieved. The stability of electrical operating characteristics is dominated by nitride charge trapping effects. This effect can be quantified using a basic model. To minimize problems due to charge trapping dielectric properties must be investigated and operating characteristics modified.
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