Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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Dooley, L, Kirk, D, Philpott, K
Production Planning & Control
Nurturing life-science knowledge discovery: managing multi-organisation networks.
WOS: 7 ()
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knowledge exchange innovation networks life sciences effective management WEAK TIES COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION BIOTECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT FIRMS MODES VIEW
Advancement of knowledge is the seed of the innovation process. As innovations have become more complex, organisations are driven by an increased need to collaborate in order to combine specialist capabilities to meet emerging market needs. The life sciences are one sector where collaborative innovation is highly evident. This article examines the phenomenon of knowledge-generating networks within the life sciences. The study explores the drivers of collaborative endeavours and investigates how knowledge networks linking the capabilities of public research centres and commercially focused pharmaceutical organisations can be managed to deliver the required synergistic benefits for partnering organisations. Three case studies of functioning university–industry knowledge networks are analysed and a model reflecting their network's life-cycle phases is presented. The discussion identifies the specific challenge posed at each of the network's development stages, together with the management process required to secure sustainable knowledge creation and effective transfer of this knowledge into innovation-generating R&D.
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