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Kasraian, L; Grace, A; Sammon, D.
DSS 2.0 - IFIP WG8.3 and SIGDSS Open Conference on Supporting Decision Making with New Technologies
Collaborative Decision Making with the Customer: The Impact of IS Capabilities on Co-Production of IS/IT Services
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This research in progress paper proposes an evaluation matrix to explore co-production of IS/IT services between a firm’s project group and its customers (i.e. the project community) in order to examine the impact of IS capabilities on this process. The firm’s project group includes planners and doers who are responsible for the improvement of IS/IT service features and who are also responsible for ensuring that the IS/IT service meets customer expectations. The paper describes the phenomenon of co-production within the IS domain and examines the impact of a firm’s IS core capabilities on service co-production that is viewed as collaborative decision making at the intersection of the firm and the customer.
College of Business and Law, University College Cork
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