A coherent space integrating convolver using image inversion optics is introduced that provides both high system stability and high output dynamic range with the minimum required output covolution signal temporal and spatial frequency offsets. Test autoconvolutions are generated by the system for amplitude modulated (AM) input signals using a 100 MHz carrier with a 13 MHz modulation, producing the desired time compressed offset carrier-free 26 MHz autoconvolution output with a dynamic range of 47.2 dB measured in a 30 KHz analyzer resolution bandwidth.A coherent space integrating convolver using image inversion optics is introduced that provides both high system stability and high output dynamic range with the minimum required output covolution signal temporal and spatial frequency offsets. Test autoconvolutions are generated by the system for amplitude modulated (AM) input signals using a 100 MHz carrier with a 13 MHz modulation, producing the desired time compressed offset carrier-free 26 MHz autoconvolution output with a dynamic range of 47.2 dB measured in a 30 KHz analyzer resolution bandwidth.