Conference Publication Details
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Riza, Nabeel A.,Sheikh, Mumtaz
IEEE Sensors 2007 International Conf.
Design and fabrication of an extreme temperature sensing optical probe using silicon carbide technologies. 2007 Ieee Sensors, Vols 1-3
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For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, designed and fabricated is an extreme temperature optical sensor using a single crystal Silicon Carbide (SiC) optical chip packaged within a sintered SiC hollow tube. The fabricated assembly forms the critical frontend probe of the proposed hybrid wireless-wired optical sensor used for measuring >1000 oC temperatures within hot gas chambers such as in coal-fired power generation systems. Initial probe test experiments show the required water-tight chip-end probe sealing and the desired retro-reflected optical interferograms required for temperature-based signal processing.For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, designed and fabricated is an extreme temperature optical sensor using a single crystal Silicon Carbide (SiC) optical chip packaged within a sintered SiC hollow tube. The fabricated assembly forms the critical frontend probe of the proposed hybrid wireless-wired optical sensor used for measuring >1000 oC temperatures within hot gas chambers such as in coal-fired power generation systems. Initial probe test experiments show the required water-tight chip-end probe sealing and the desired retro-reflected optical interferograms required for temperature-based signal processing.
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