Conference Contribution Details
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Orla Murphy, Shawn Day, Fredrik Palm, Nicolas Thely
Digital Humanities 2014
Knowledge Design
EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland
Peer Reviewed Abstract
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Digital Humanities can act, and is acting, as an agent of digital cultural empowerment. Critical awareness of method and tools in Digital Humanities can bridge the gaps between the range of humanities corpora and the actual digital practices used to understand, analyse, and share them. NeDiMAH is about bridging these gaps and work groups on Space and Time, and on Information Visualisation, have successfully worked together across disciplines to consider these tools and methods and to define critical design principles both for research itself and also for creating and using digital tools for different aspects of the research process. The workshop will focus on visualisation as the representation of knowledge in a multiplicity of new, engaging and challenging approaches across humanities disciplines.
European Science Foundation