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Curtin, S. & Trace, A.
International Conference of behavioural Medicine
Innovation in Behavioural Medicine
Groningen, Holland
Poster Presentation
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SPIKES Model: its applicability in Delivering Bad News to dental patients. Abstract: Background: Delivering bad news is an emotive and stressful task for professionals, and highlights the need for good communication practice based upon a ‘patient–centred’ approach. The S-P-I-K-E-S model, an innovative approach, provides a systematic and structured way for dentists to deliver bad news in an effective and empathetic manner. A pilot project was undertaken to assess dental students’ experiential knowledge and understanding of the process of delivering bad news. Methods: A qualitative content analysis of the 3rd BDS students’ responses was undertaken and then mapped against the S-P-I-K-E-S model. Findings: 33% students had delivered bad news; yet the majority indicated that doing so was perceived as difficult or stressful. Key findings showed that students jumped too quickly to solution-focused remedies but need to spend more time setting the scene and understanding the collaborative process in delivering bad news. Discussion: It is crucial that the SPIKES model be integrated into the professional education.