Conference Contribution Details
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Bocking, B
Emerging Trends And Developments In Sikh & Punjabi Studies
2nd Max Arthur Macauliffe Conference
UCC, Cork
Conference Organising Committee Chairperson
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The 2nd Max Arthur Macauliffe Conference entitled 'Emerging Trends And Developments In Sikh & Punjabi Studies' hosted by the Study of Religions Dept., School of Asian Studies, UCC, on Saturday 22 March 2014 was the second in an annual series begun in 2013 to commemorate the work of the pioneering Irish scholar of Sikhism Max Arthur Macauliffe (1838-1913). With generous support from the Irish Sikh community, eight invited scholars from India, USA, Europe and the UK presented academic papers on different aspects of Sikh and Punjabi studies, with topics ranging from ‘Sikhism through the New Age prism: Yogi Bhajan’s spiritual discourse and its cultural context’ and ‘Portraying the Divine: The Iconography of Sikh Gurus in Miniature and & Provincial Painting’ to ‘Sikh religious dress codes in Italy’ and ‘Translating the Sikh: An assessment of the works of Leyden, Trumpp and Macauliffe’. Approx 40 people attended the conference which concluded with delicious Punjabi food and a scintillating performance of bhangra dancing by the Dublin-based Shamrock Bhangra Group.