Problem Based Learning has become ever more popular in the fields of medicine and health. Many clinical educators have realized the utility of small group learning, problem oriented education, and self directed enquiry as opposed to the more traditional models of passive learning in the classroom with its distributed, often incongruent learning areas. In the past, students may have been left to somehow assimilate and synthesize disparate fields of knowledge into meaningful gestalts for themselves; and then apply this knowledge to clinical situations (Fourie, 2008). As early as 1905, Osler, a medical educator of his own time, stated that it was a safe rule to have no teaching without a patient for a text, and that the best teaching was done by the patient himself (Osler, 1905, cited in Cushing, 1925). These words went unheeded by many for a long time, until medical teachers at McMasters University in Canada advocated Problem Based Learning as a new way of educating medical students during the 1960's (Barrows, 1996). More recently, Kenny and Beagan (2004) recommended that educators discourage “student detachment from the messiness of real patients’ lives and emotions” (p. 1071). In this paper, the authors will describe how practice educators at University College Cork facilitate a process of enquiry in students by running Problem based learning tutorials associated with students' clinical cases. The authors discuss how clinical reasoning skills and lifelong learning can be fostered with the use of real life cases.