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Gilbey, J., McGinnity, P., Verspoor, E., Armstrong, A., Cauwelier, E., Cherbonnel, C., Coughlan, J.P., Coulson, M.W., Cross, T.F., Crozier, W., Dillane, E., Ellis, J.S., Ensing , D., Garcıá-Vázquez, E., Griffiths, A.M., Gudjonsson, S., Hindar, K., Karlsson, S., Knox, D., Machado-Schiaffino, G., Meldrup, D., Nielsen, E., Olafsson, K., Primmer, C.R., Prodöhl, P. A., Prusov, S., Stradmeyer, L., Stevens, J.R., Vähä, J-P., Veselov, A.J., LucyWebster, M.I. and Wennevik, V.
The SALSEA-Merge microsatellite genotype database – a resource for the assignment of natal origin of Atlantic salmon from Eastern Atlantic rivers
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