Conference Publication Details
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Manfred Schewe
Performing Arts in Language Learning
Paving the Way towards a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture - the story of SCENARIO
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Carlo Nofri; Moreno Stracci
Rome (Edizioni Novacultur - ISBN 978-88-96875-01-8)
SCENARIO founded in 2007, is a bilingual (English–German), fully peer-reviewed online journal ( Its main focus is on the role of drama and theatre in the teaching and learning of foreign / second languages, including the literatures and cultures associated with these languages. To date authors from around 20 different countries have contributed to the SCENARIO-led scholarly debate on drama and theatre in second and foreign language education, including the recent SCENARIO FORUM International Conference on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research (Cork, 29 May – 1 June 2014). This presentation will focus on different stages in the development of this journal. It will be argued that SCENARIO has paved the way towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture, and it will be proposed that the term performative be used as an umbrella term to describe the various (culturally-specific) forms of second and foreign language teaching that derive from the performing arts. Towards the end of the presentation conference delegates will be invited to discuss potential forms of collaboration between SCENARIO and the planned European Association for Performing Arts in Language Learning.
European Commission
Grant Details
European Commission