Building on a recent symposium at University College Cork which centred on performative practices across different disciplines, this conference will have a special focus on the areas of
While these are key areas of Foreign and Second Language disciplines, they also figure prominently in other disciplines and fields of practice. We therefore also particularly welcome contributions from scholars, teachers as well as artists and practitioners in related arts-based disciplines and professional fields of practice, including Education, Drama and Theatre, Film/New Media, Music, Dance, Visual Art. The organisers are open to a variety of forms of engaging with the conference theme, including
25-minute papers,
90-minute workshops,
short films,
performance pieces.
Contributors are asked to indicate if they wish to present in English or German. They expected to refer to, or demonstrate, specific performative approaches to one or more of the listed areas and, in doing so, offer perspectives on one or more of the following:
Performative orientations/genres/practices within a specific discipline, art form or field of practice
Culture-specific performative traditions and their application in arts-based disciplines
Intercultural/post-colonial perspectives on performative teaching and learning
Performative practices in bi-/multilingual educational settings
Special features of selected performative approaches
Theoretical perspectives on performative teaching and learning within the educational discourse
Past, current and future research on aspects of performative teaching and learning / the use of performative methodologies/methods in research projects
The role of and the challenges for the teacher/scholar/artist/practitioner
The impact on students/audience/participants
The process/product dimension of performative teaching and learning
The interrelationship between art and education: What exactly and how can teachers and students learn from professionals in the fields of Drama and Theatre, Film/New Media, Music, Dance, Visual Art?
DAAD, Failte Ireland, College of Arts, Celtic Studies amd Social Sciences, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures