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Exporting the Peace Process. Ex prisoners as international envoys for peace
Paper presentation
New Orleans
Oral Presentation
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Abstract: Former political prisoners have playing a key role in the peace process in Northern Ireland and continue to mobilise their identities as ‘ex-prisoners’ in, what can be contentiously labelled, counter-terrorism initiatives in this context. Despite a wealth of research on the role of ex-prisoners in conflict transformation in Northern Ireland (e.g., McEvoy & Shirlow, 2009; Feron, 2006), little is known about their role in the design, consultation and implementation of counter terrorism initiatives in other (post-) conflict contexts. This paper will present the findings of research conducted in Northern Ireland with Republican (n= 35) and Loyalist (n=26) ex-prisoners about the process of implanting counter terrorism initiatives in the Basque region and the Israeli/Palestinian context. Findings suggest a clear distinction in terms of the identity categories mobilized by ex-prisoners in the process of implantation of counter terrorism, domestically and abroad. These differences are reflected in the way in which ex-prisoners frame domestic and international conflicts, as well as their own transition from violent past to peaceful present.