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Waters, DM; Murray, PG; Ryan, LA; Arendt, EK; Tuohy, MG;
Food Chemistry
Talaromyces emersonii thermostable enzyme systems and their applications in wheat baking systems.
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In this study, novel extracellular thermozymes were produced by the thermophilic fungus Talaromyces emersonii (IMI 392299) on low-cost carbon inducers. This paper reports the cocktail characterization, substrate hydrolysis studies, and their application in baking. Relevant enzymes were optimally active at pH 4.5-5.0 and 70 degrees C. Model studies confirmed production of significant levels of yeast monosaccharide sugars during cereal flour hydrolysis. The "thermozyme cocktails" are thermostable secreted T. emersonii enzyme blends. In baking trials, these thermozyme cocktails showed significant improvements in bread quality with respect to hardness, staling, and loaf volume (p < 0.5). Thermozyme cocktail B- treated loaf volume was 23.2% greater than the control and 49.5% softer. Staling analysis showed that bread treated with cocktail B was 41.7% softer than the control. This is the first report of T. emersonii thermozymes positively influencing bread quality.
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