A total of 129 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were screened for antifungal activity against common Fusarium spp. isolated from brewing barley. Four out of the five most inhibiting isolates were identified as Lactobacillus brevis, whereas one belonged to Weissella cibaria. L. brevis PS1, the isolate showing the largest inhibition spectrum, was selected and the influence of its freeze-dried cell-free supernatant (cfsP) on germination of macroconidia as well as mycelia growth was investigated using Fusarium culmorum as target organism.Addition of cfsP into the growth medium at concentrations > or = 2% altered the growth morphology of F.culmorum, whereas at concentrations > 5% the outgrowth of germ tubes from macroconidia was delayed and distorted. The presence of 10% cfsP completely inhibited the outgrowth of F. culmorum macroconidia. The activity of the compounds produced by L. brevis PS1 was higher at low pH values, i.e. pH < 5. Heating and/or proteolytic treatment reduced the inhibitory activity of cfsP, indicating that L. brevis produces organic acids and proteinaceous compounds which are active against Fusarium spp.