Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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Gonzalez A, McKeogh E. & O Gallachoir, B.;
Renewable Energy
The role of hydrogen in high wind energy penetration electricity systems: The Irish Case.
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The deployment of wind energy is constrained by wind uncontrollability, which poses
operational problems on the electricity supply system at high penetration levels, lessening the
value of wind-generated electricity to a significant extent. This paper studies the viability of
hydrogen production via electrolysis using wind power that cannot be easily accommodated
on the system. The potential benefits of hydrogen and its role in enabling a large penetration
of wind energy are assessed, within the context of the enormous wind energy resource in Ireland. The exploitation of this wind resource may in the future give rise to significant
amounts of surplus wind electricity, which could be used to produce hydrogen, the zero emissions fuel that many experts believe will eventually replace fossil fuels in the transport
sector. In this paper the operation of a wind powered hydrogen production system is simulated
and optimised. The results reveal that, even allowing for significant cost-reductions in
electrolyser and associated balance-of-plant equipment, low average surplus wind electricity
cost and a high hydrogen market price are also necessary to achieve the economic viability
of the technology. These conditions would facilitate the installation of electrolysis units of
sufficient capacity to allow an appreciable increase in installed wind power in Ireland. The
simulation model was also used to determine the CO2 abatement potential associated with
the wind energy/hydrogen production.
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