In service co-production, the firm and the customer jointly participate in the design of the service by leveraging the customer's knowledge and preferences in order to individually tailor the service for the customer. Here, the main challenge is how a firm's project team may accomplish modifications to meet the customers' needs within the required timeframe. This research-in progress paper explores the role of core IS capabilities of the firm's project team during service co-production with the customer through four stages of the service lifecycle - namely: planning, provision, operation and enhancement. The paper provides an insight into the role of the customer and customer knowledge throughout this lifecycle by reporting on preliminary findings of a case study of an Iranian service-based SAP ERP consultancy company which has a noticeable experiences in service co-production. For example, the finding indicates the role of core IS capabilities to leverage customer knowledge and insights throughout the project lifecycle. The study will also contribute to practice, specifically where firms are looking to enhance their in-house core IS capabilities in order to enhance their IS/IT service co-production activities.