Book Chapter Details
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Mervyn O'Driscoll
2017 Unknown
Europa und die deutsche Einheit: Beobachtungen, Entscheidungen und Folgen
A Small Country's Big Responsibility: Ireland's Contribution to German Reunification and 'the Acceleration of History', 1989-1990
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
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Ireland found itself centre stage during the process of German reunification in 1989 and 1990. It held the EC Presidency for six months from 1 January 1990 and was an unqualified supporter of German unity. The chapter argues Irish Presidency mediated the reconciliation of its EC partners with German reunification and assisted in advancing the negotiations that led to the European Union (EU). Ireland possessed qualities that smoothed the transition to a united Germany integrated within the EC/EU. In order to appreciate the Irish conceptions and approach to German reunification and European integration in 1990, the chapter also delineates important aspects of Irish-German intercultural and bilateral relationships following Irish independence in 1922 as these set the tone for the Irish approach to German reunification at an EU level in 1989 an 1990. An appreciation of the consequences of German reunificaiton for Ireland since 1990 is offered.
Michael Gehler; Maximilian Graf
Grant Details
Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien & Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Institut für Neuzeit- und Zeitgeschichtsforschung covered travel and subsistence expenses to attend and present the findings in the University of Vienna.