Block copolymers (BCPs) and their directed self-assembly (DSA) has emerged as a realizable complementary tool to aid optical patterning of device elements for
future integrated circuit advancements. Methods to enhance BCP etch contrast
for DSA application and further potential applications of inorganic nanomaterial
features (e.g., semiconductor, dielectric, metal and metal oxide) are examined.
Strategies to modify, infi ltrate and controllably deposit inorganic materials
by utilizing neat self-assembled BCP thin fi lms open a rich design space to fabricate functional features in the nanoscale regime. An understanding and overview on innovative ways for the selective inclusion/infiltration or deposition of inorganic moieties in microphase separated BCP nanopatterns is provided.
Early initial inclusion methods in the fi eld and exciting contemporary reports
to further augment etch contrast in BCPs for pattern transfer application are described. Specifi cally, the use of evaporation and sputtering methods, atomic
layer deposition, sequential infi ltration synthesis, metal-salt inclusion and
aqueous metal reduction methodologies forming isolated nanofeatures are
highlighted in di-BCP systems. Functionalities and newly reported uses for
electronic and non-electronic technologies based on the inherent properties of
incorporated inorganic nanostructures using di-BCP templates are highlighted.
We outline the potential for extension of incorporation methods to triblock
copolymer features for more diverse applications. Challenges and emerging
areas of interest for inorganic infi ltration of BCPs are also discussed.