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Joy Schrieder, University of Oregon
Critical Review: An Online Journal of the American Theological Library Association 9:2. - Review ofThe Bible in Music: A Dictionary of Songs, Works and More. The authors achieve their ends of presenting a volume that contains much about the Bible in music. The entries are engaging, and this reviewer learned interesting facts from reading them. It should be remembered, though, that this is not the end of research, but only a beginning, and even Internet searching can provide more information. But for a quick handy reference, or to generate ideas for a topic, the book gives a good first look. I would purchase the book for these reasons, for the small entries that include facts put into an easily readable style, facts that are not so readily accessed in this format elsewhere. 36
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The authors achieve their ends of presenting a volume that contains much about the Bible in music. The entries are engaging, and this reviewer learned interesting facts from reading them. It should be remembered, though, that this is not the end of research, but only a beginning, and even Internet searching can provide more information. But for a quick handy reference, or to generate ideas for a topic, the book gives a good first look. I would purchase the book for these reasons, for the small entries that include facts put into an easily readable style, facts that are not so readily accessed
The authors achieve their ends of presenting a volume that contains much about the Bible in music. The entries are engaging, and this reviewer learned interesting facts from reading them. It should be remembered, though, that this is not the end of research, but only a beginning, and even Internet searching can provide more information. But for a quick handy reference, or to generate ideas for a topic, the book gives a good first look. I would purchase the book for these reasons, for the small entries that include facts put into an easily readable style, facts that are not so readily accessed in this format elsewhere. 36
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