The capacity to recognize the 3-dimensional (3D) features of teeth is an essential skill for the practice of dentistry. At University College Cork, tooth morphology is taught in the second year of the dentistry programme. Traditional teaching methods include studying with extracted and/or plastic teeth, drawings and wax/chalk carvings, and have been supplemented with 3D computer generated models, all of which allow for the acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge. The assessment of modules via quizzes (with feedback) promotes active learning, assists in examination preparation and has been shown to motivate students.
The aim of this study was to develop and assess a tooth morphology quiz that incorporates interactive digital 3D models of teeth. Extracted human teeth and high quality plastic teeth were obtained and scanned. Once scanned, all 32 teeth were imported to Blender and applied with a custom material. The 3D quiz environment was created using the Unreal Engine.
The pilot study feedback shows promise for such a 3D quiz in dental education. Solutions to the issues identified in this study have now been implemented in preparation for formal testing with dental students. It is anticipated that the proposed 3D tooth morphology quiz will aid students with acquiring and retaining dental morphology knowledge.