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Morakanyane, R., Grace, A. and O'Reilly, P.
30th Bled eConference: Digital Transformation – From Connecting Things to Transforming Our Lives
Conceptualizing Digital Transformation in Business Organizations: A Systematic Review of Literature
In Press
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Bled, Slovenia
Digital Transformation has gained great research interest in both academia and practice. While existing literature demonstrates new levels of research interest in the area and how business leaders have engaged in digital transformation journeys, there is evidence of a lack of common understanding of this concept. Both research and practice do not have unified views of the fundamental concepts of digital transformation. To this regard, we demonstrate how a systematic literature review was carried out to conceptualize this phenomenon. Using a concept centric matrix, we discuss the current state of the art literature of the concept by describing it in terms of what it is, the characteristics, drivers, impacts and transformed areas. Inconsistencies in the definition and other factors are identified. Towards a more comprehensible approach to understanding this phenomenon, we argue for the reconciliation of the literature and propose a new general and inclusive digital transformation definition. Avenues for further research on digital transformation of business organizations are also shared.
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