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Andersson, H.C., Bartsch, D., Buhk, H.-J., Davies, H., De Loose, M., Gasson, M., Hendriksen, N., Hill, C., Kärenlampi, S., Kryspin-Sorensen, I., Kuiper, H., Nuti, M., O'Gara, F., Puigdomenech, P., Sakellaris, G., Schiemann, J., Seinen, W., Sessitsch, A., Sweet, J., van Elsas, J.D., and Wal, J.-M. (2004). ;
The EFSA Journal
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on the use of antibiotic resistance genes as marker genes in genetically modified plants (Question No. EFSA-Q-2003-109). The EFSA Journal 48: 1-18.
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