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Barbara Siller
Grenzüberschreitungen: Migration und Literatur aus der Perspektive der Literatursoziologie
„Ich war ein Unterwegskind. In der Zugluft des Fahrens entdeckte ich die Welt, und wie sie verweht.“ – Ilma Rakusas Selbstpositionierung als Ausdruck räumlicher und sprachlicher Entgrenzung.
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In his article Netzwerke. Eine Kulturtechnik der Moderne (2004) Hartmut Böhme examines the theory and history of the network. By this means he argues for the organizational complexity of the nets and their resilient capacity to relate to and communicate with each other, and to thus enter into a process of exchange. The chronotopic nature of nets and their dynamic structure not only allow them to form a synthesis of pluralities but also to tolerate pluralities without unity. However nets do cover areas, they also open up in-between spaces. Such an understanding of the network can be made productive for the understanding of literary fields and for the positioning of (multilingual) writers. Ilma Rakusa presents an outstanding example of a multilingual poet whose literature is positioned in and in-between various literary nets. Undoubtedly, all of them communicate with each other and have a pivotal cultural and linguistic influence on her writing. Through considering two of Rakusa’s works, namely the autofictional memory book Mehr Meer. Erinnerungspassagen (2009) and the story collection Einsamkeit mit rollendem „r“ (2014) the following article applies the concept of network to Ilma Rakusa and her texts demonstrating its relevance for a better understanding of pluricultural literary fields.