Conference Publication Details
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Maria Kirrane, Gerard Mullally, John O’ Halloran, Alice D’Arcy, Edmond Byrne, Aine Ryall, Niall Dunphy
Metaphors of Transformative Change Colloquium
Cultivating Sustainability Citizenship? Transdisciplinary Transitions in an Irish Third Level Institution
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Ian Hughes, Edmond Byrne, Gerard Mullally, Colin Sage
Environmental Research Institute, Lee Road, Cork
Notwithstanding the acknowledged limits that universities and third level institutions can, or should, play in developing sustainability citizenship (Foster 2001; McGregor 2013), this paper considers the journey towards sustainability undertaken by University College Cork (Reidy et al. 2015) within the wider Green Campus movement in Ireland (Ryan-Fogarty et al. 2016) and beyond. The metaphor of sustainability citizenship here acts as a lodestone for innovations transcending teaching and learning; research; operations; and, administration. Given that the original impetus for action was student led this paper adapts lessons from inter- and transdisciplinary teaching and research initiatives (Byrne & Mullally 2016; Byrne & Mullally 2015; Byrne et al. 2017) to explore the cultivation and growth of the imperative of sustainability in a specific, localized context with global implications.
Environmental Research Institute, UCC
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