Ian Hughes, Edmond Byrne, Gerard Mullally, Colin Sage
Notwithstanding the acknowledged limits that universities and third level institutions can, or should, play in developing sustainability citizenship (Foster 2001; McGregor 2013), this paper considers the journey towards sustainability undertaken by University College Cork (Reidy et al. 2015) within the wider Green Campus movement in Ireland (Ryan-Fogarty et al. 2016) and beyond. The metaphor of sustainability citizenship here acts as a lodestone for innovations transcending teaching and learning; research; operations; and, administration. Given that the original impetus for action was student led this paper adapts lessons from inter- and transdisciplinary teaching and research initiatives (Byrne & Mullally 2016; Byrne & Mullally 2015; Byrne et al. 2017) to explore the cultivation and growth of the imperative of sustainability in a specific, localized context with global implications.