The capacity to recognize the 3-dimensional (3D) features of teeth (tooth morphology) has a central role in the dental curriculum and provides the foundation for the clinical years and dental practice. Teaching has traditionally relied on methods that include studying with extracted teeth and/or plastic models, drawings and wax/chalk carvings. In recent years, these have sometimes been supplemented with 3D computer generated models to further consolidate skills acquisition.
To supplement tooth morphology teaching a 3D quiz application (Tooth Morphology Quiz, TMQ) was developed. This 3D resource enables students to study tooth morphology actively by selecting teeth from the interactive quiz, modify their viewpoint and level of zoom of a particular tooth. Additionally, students are able to rotate the tooth to obtain a 3D spatial understanding of the different surfaces of the tooth. Research has shown that the use of quizzes (with feedback) promotes active learning, assists in examination preparation and keeps learners motivated.
Using a cross-over study design, the efficacy of the newly developed quiz was compared to the traditional study of extracted teeth and plastic models. Students were assessed on their capacity to identify teeth and recognize specific features using extracted teeth and 3D images from the TMQ. Results showed no difference in performance between students using the TMQ or extracted teeth. However, in the early stages of learning tooth morphology, male participants performed better than females, possibly due to a better grasp of 3D complexity as measured by a mental rotation test. In addition, correlations show that student performance is positively correlated throughout the various phases of the assessment. Finally, a comparison of two student cohorts (2016 v. 2017) shows that students have significantly benefited from the implementation of the TMQ as class assessment was significantly higher for the 2017 group.
In conclusion, our results show that the 3D tooth morphology quiz is of benefit to students in developing their capacity to recognise the individual morphological features of teeth.