We have studied the effects of acute changes in acid-base status and hypoxia on the cardiotoxic effects of intracoronary injection of ropivacaine in anaesthetized dogs. The effects of intracoronary ropivacaine were compared when ropivacaine was administered during eucapnia and during each of another nine states in random order: hypocapnia, hypercapnia, hypoxia, metabolic alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, combined metabolic acidosis and hypocapnia, combined metabolic alkalosis and hypercapnia, combined hypoxia and hypercapnia, and combined metabolic acidosis and hypoxia. Hypocapnic alkalosis consistently reduced the cardiotoxic effects of intracoronary ropivacaine (P<0.01). Our findings indicate that induction of hypocapnic alkalosis may provide a useful adjunct to standard resuscitative measures after inadvertent administration of amide local anaesthetic agents.