Conference Publication Details
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Prestwich, Steven D.; Fajemisin, Adejuyigbe O.; Climent, Laura; O'Sullivan, Barry
ECML PKDD 2015: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, LCNS vol. 9284
Solving a Hard Cutting Stock Problem by Machine Learning and Optimisation
WOS: 4 ()
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Cutting Stock Problem Machine learning Optimisation problems
Porto, Portugal
We are working with a company on a hard industrial optimisation problem: a version of the well-known Cutting Stock Problem in which a paper mill must cut rolls of paper following certain cutting patterns to meet customer demands. In our problem each roll to be cut may have a different size, the cutting patterns are semi-automated so that we have only indirect control over them via a list of continuous parameters called a request, and there are multiple mills each able to use only one request. We solve the problem using a combination of machine learning and optimisation techniques. First we approximate the distribution of cutting patterns via Monte Carlo simulation. Secondly we cover the distribution by applying a k-medoids algorithm. Thirdly we use the results to build an ILP model which is then solved.
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