Conference Publication Details
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Erin Bank, Georg Grütter, Robert Hanmer, Klaas-Jan Stol, Padma Sudarsan, Cedric Williams, Tim Yao, Nick Yeates
24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Innersource patterns for collaboration
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Inner Source, Open Source development practices, software development, organizational culture, patterns
Vancouver, Canada
Open Source has changed the landscape for software development organizations. There are numerous very successful open source projects involving hundreds of developers dispersed worldwide, and many organizations are interested in adopting the principles and practices to build “open” communities within their organizations. This has been termed “InnerSource” and this paradigm is attracting considerable attention from the software industry. The InnerSource Commons is an industry-driven community that is actively pursuing an agenda to share knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned on adopting InnerSource. One means of doing this is to encode “best practices” as patterns. In this paper, we present a number of patterns that the InnerSource Commons community has distilled, which other organizations that are interested in InnerSource can adopt and tailor to their respective organizational settings.
Science Foundation Ireland
Grant Details
Science Foundation Ireland
15/SIRG/3293, 13/RC/2094