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Meere P.
Geological Society of London
Sub-greenschist facies metamorphism from the Variscides of SW Ireland: an early syn-extensional peak thermal event
Scopus: 27 ()
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Illite crystallinity studies on metaclastics from the Variscides of SW Ireland range in value from 0.18 to 0.25°¿2¿ indicating a metamorphic grade in the upper anchizone-lower epizone (c.275-325°C). Chlorite geothermometry yields a similar metamorphic temperature range. Combining these data with known overburden estimates for the area implies late Palaeozoic geothermal gradients in excess of 60°C km-1. Fluid inclusion studies on quartz veins in these metaclastics reveal two vein types characterized by fluid densities of 0.7-0.93 g cm-3 (Group 1) and 0.9-1.0 g cm-3 (Group 2) respectively. This variation in fluid density is thought to be dominantly controlled by temperature, with Group 1 veins linked to lake Palaeozoic extension and high geothermal gradients and Group 2 veins associated with subsequent Variscan deformation and lower temperature conditions. -Author
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