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Research Report
Niall P Dunphy, Paul O'Connor
Incentive driven contract models for energy efficiency building projects
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This report explores ways of incentivising performance through contract models and makes specific recommendations for promoting life-cycle orientated incentive-driven contractual arrangements for efficient building projects . The development of novel incentivised performance contract models, which incorporate a life-cycle perspective and spread risk (and rewards) between the different stakeholders has the potential to overcome some of these difficulties and incentivise energy efficient building activity. This report has been prepared to contribute to addressing this issue by specifically exploring the use of ‘Incentive-driven contract models’ in energy efficiency building projects. The recommendations included in this report will be combined with the business models to be described in detail in D4.5 (Generic business models applicable for EeB stakeholders in Europe) and tested for each of the four flagship projects in Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.
UMBRELLA FP7 project
Grant Details
European Framework Programme Seven (FP7)
Grant Agreement No 314343