Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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Mintz, Joseph; Hick, Peter; Solomon, Yvette; Matziari, Aikaterini; Ó’Murchú, Finn; Hall, Kathy; Cahill, Kevin; Curtin, Catriona; Anders, Jake; Margariti, Despoina
Teaching and Teacher Education
The reality of reality shock for inclusion: How does teacher attitude, perceived knowledge and self-efficacy in relation to effective inclusion in the classroom change from the pre-service to novice teacher year?
WOS: 19 ()
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Inclusion Longitudinal Novice teacher Pre-service Reality shock Special educational needs Teacher self-efficacy
103042 1
There is little empirical attention in the literature to how beginning teacher perceptions in relation to inclusion change as they progress from the pre-service to novice teacher year. This paper reports on a panel study of a cohort of pre-service teachers in the Republic of Ireland, which tracks their transition to the novice teacher year using a new scale. Analysis of the data indicates that this transition results in a significant drop in attitude, perceived knowledge and self-efficacy in relation to inclusion.
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