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Cotter, G.
Evidence Based Research for Policy Development in Global Education
Title of Paper: Connecting communities: exploring the Global learning journeys of university students and community partners in Cork and Lesotho, using ethnographical approaches to service learning, online intercultural exchange, radio and digital technologies.
The Institute of Education, University College London
Invited Lectures (Conference)
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This paper examines the experiences of students and partners over two years as they explored social justice issues in Cork and Lesotho through a series of workshops, servicelearning and an online intercultural exchange. The work included a digital story telling workshop with refugees, six workshops on Global Citizenship and radio, service learning work with Family Carers and People with Disabilities resulting in a digital story-telling and digital archive projects and an online intercultural exchange with participants in Lesotho. The paper provides evidence of the value of deeply student-focused and community-basedpedagogy. It shows how the human connection (students, partners and educator) is at the heart of good pedagogy and that story-telling through new technologies and radio can enhance this if used with integrity. It explores the intersection between the “global” and the “local” in the context of global inequalities and in the context of online connectivity. The Educator needs to learn how to weave academic frameworks into this collaborative relationship in a way which helps participants find their voices. There is a dialogue with this student and not a “one size fits all”. There are ethical issues around power and autonomy which are important with less experienced groups.