To characterize a new, one-slop multidisciplinary palliative care (Md) clinic which offers standardized multidisciplinary assessment, specific care recommendations, Patient and family, education, and on-site counseling, we retrospectively compared the assessments of 138 consecutive patients with advanced cancer referred to the MD clinic and 77 patients referred to a traditional pain and symptom management (PSM) clinic. The two groups were similar in tumor type, demographics, and symptom distress. The MD clinic team (Physicians: nurses; pharmacists; physical, speech, and occupational therapists; social workers; chaplains; nutritionists; psychiatric nurse practitioner) delivered 1, 066 non-physician recommendations (median 4 per patient, range 0-37). The PSM clinic team made no non-physician recommendations, but referred 14 patients to other medical specialists. In. 80 (58\%) MD-clinic patients with follow-up 9 days (median) after assessment, significant improvement was observed in pain, nausea, depression, anxiety, steep, dyspnea, and well-being, but not in fatigue, anorexia, or drowsiness. In 83 patients interviewed after the MD clinic, satisfaction was rated as excellent (5 out of 5) in 86-97 \% of seven areas. Assessment at an MD clinic results in a high number of patient care recommendations, improved symptoms, and high levels of patient satisfaction. (C) 2004 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.