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Byrne F.N.;Gillman B.;Kiely M.;Bowles M.;Connolly P.;Earlie J.;Murphy J.;Rennick T.;Reilly E.O.;Shiely F.;Kearney P.;Eustace J.
Journal Of Renal Nutrition
Revising Dietary Phosphorus Advice in Chronic Kidney Disease G3-5D
WOS: 2 ()
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© 2020 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. We summarize how practicing dietitians combined available evidence with clinical experience, to define revised dietary recommendations for phosphorus in chronic kidney disease G3-5D. As well as a review of the evidence base, 4 priority topics were reviewed. These were translated into 3 nutrient level recommendations: the introduction of some plant protein where phosphorus is largely bound by phytate; consideration of protein intake in terms of phosphorus load and the phosphorus to protein ratio; and an increased focus on avoiding phosphate additives. This review summarizes and interprets the available evidence in order to support the development of practical food-based advice for patients with chronic kidney disease.
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