Published Report Details
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Linehan, Denis; White, Allen; Crowley, Caroline;
Blarney Community Assets and Needs Survey.
Avondhu Development Group
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Blarney is rapidly changing area with established and emerging community development needs. However at this point, aside from the experience of the community themselves, there is no objective profile of the community’s assets and needs available for public consultation.    To address this deficit Blarney Community Council commissioned University College Cork to prepare a Community Assets and Needs Report for the Blarney Area. The primary objective of the Blarney 2009 Community Asset & Needs Survey was to provide a framework for community and services planning and decision-making. A community asset and needs assessment is regarded as an important step in developing an ongoing community development process. This study has the potential to help align and orient organisations with a role in Blarney in their services planning and offer direction to address the identified issues, challenges and needs of children, youth, families, the elderly and others who needs may not be currently met and whose potential to support the community may need further support and development. This report is structured in three sections. In Strand 1, the study presents a demographic analysis and projection of the population in Blarney based on Census data. This material provides base-line information about the population in Blarney and focuses on issues like employment, education, housing and presents a number of projections regarding the demographic structure of the population in the future. In Strand 2, the study reports on the results of a Community Stakeholder Survey which examined the needs and assets of the community. This section of the report is particularly insightful in providing information on the key issues and concerns faced by community workers and volunteers in Blarney. In Strand 3, the report presents the results of a Focus Group Survey. Good practice in community development research underlines that question of public participation and consultation form an important element of every research project. Four focus groups organized broadly into groups corresponding to ‘Young Families’, ‘Youth’, ‘Retirees and Pensioners’ and ‘Community Leaders’ were undertaken. The focus groups were used to explore the results of the stakeholder survey in-depth, whilst also identifying site specific and detailed issues related to the needs of different sections of the community.*GfzMmIWNuIrdxBXdpSDrW6AsP1MJnRx9Kk_/BlarneyCommunityAssetsandNeedsSurvey.pdf
Grant Details