This book examines approaches and responses to working with the asylum–seeking, refugee and migrant communities in Ireland. Through their experiences, analyses and activist accounts, contributors name direct provision as a system that facilitates the marginalization and de–humanizing of people. In making visible some of the undocumented challenges to direct provision, the co–operation and engagement between local and migrant communities, and the very real and moving experiences of living in such conditions, this publication forms a part of the ongoing challenge to direct provision. It calls for a re–consideration of the infallibility of the reductionist–dominant narrative that reduces responsibility to care and protect human life to narrow economic considerations, and calls on the State to recognize its duty of care in its fullest conceptualization. With this work, we have attempted to bring some of its many facets to the academic and public eye. While analysing through the lens of care, the reductionist and repressive State policies and practices are revealed; but most emphasis is on the reactions and resilience of the asylum–seeking community, through their numerous acts of resistance, supported by a significant cohort of friends and activists within and outwith the direct provision system