invasion ecology, parasites, transmission trials, climate change, marine bivalves, management
Although research into the ecology and impacts of invasive species is prevalent, there
are knowledge gaps relating to the role of invasive species in parasite transmission.
This work synthesises invasive host–parasite interactions and impacts, using marine
bivalves as a model group, to consider how global movement of shellfish consignments
for aquaculture purposes facilitates the unintentional transfer of invasives. We discuss
how invasive species can act as both hosts or parasitic organisms themselves, and
introductions may lead to diseases within the bivalve aquaculture sector. This review
highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research, with particular regard to the fields
of parasitology and invasion ecology. We suggest that further integrating these fields
will enhance critical knowledge of marine diseases, parasite-invasive-bivalve interplay
dynamics, and potential mitigation strategies, including temperature-based disease
surveillance models. We also address how climate change might impact invasive
species, again with a focus on marine bivalves, and the potential outcomes for parasite
transmission, including changes in host/parasite distribution, life-history and virulence.
We acknowledge the importance of horizon scanning for future invasive host–parasite
introductions and note that increased screening of invasive species, both in their native