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Maria Dempsey, Sarah Foley, Nollaig Frost
European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology EQuiP
Pluralistic analysis as a process for examining reflexivity
Greece online
Oral Presentation
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Pluralistic qualitative research allows for multi-perspective approaches to understanding nuanced social and psychological phenomenon. This presentation will discuss our recent research which focused on the complexity of what it means to qualitatively analyse and respond to sensitive data from the reflexive position of the analyst in a pluralistic research team. Our presentation will detail a study that adopted a pluralistic approach to examining how depression is presented and described in an online resource for young people seeking mental health advice in Ireland. As findings which conveyed varied understandings of depression, from a medically understood illness to a socially constructed lived experience were constructed, analysis of the positionings of our group of experienced qualitative researchers highlighted a range of reflexive engagements with and responses to the data. These included anger, sadness, frustration and powerlessness and together, highlight a need for support for those who engage with personal, emotive and sometimes distressing data. Our study reflects the outcomes and experience of using pluralism to examine help-seeking for mental health concerns and the need for further social, cultural and technological responses, but also how challenges of working with such data can inform and influence analysts’ experience of and role in the research . This project raises interesting discussion points for examining epistemological and personal reflexivity in a pluralistic team, and the implications of these findings for both research and practice.