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Schneider, W and McCarthy, PJ and Lackner, K and Gruber, O and Behler, K and Martin, P and Merkel, R;
Fusion Engineering and Design
ASDEX Upgrade MHD equilibria reconstruction on distributed workstations
Scopus: 45 ()
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The identification of MHD equilibrium states on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak is a prerequisite for interpreting measurements from a wide range of diagnostics which are correlated with the: shape of the plasma. The availability in realtime of plasma parameters related to the MHD state is crucial for controlling the experiment. Function Parameterization is used as a standard tool to determine the position, shape, and other global parameters of the plasma as well as the MHD equilibrium flux surfaces. The recently developed interpretive equilibrium code CLISTE now enables the calculation of MHD equilibria on an intershot timescale. These calculations are parallelized by the use of a Message Passing Interface (MPI). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
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