Peer-Reviewed Journal Details
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Emma Riordan, Clive Earls, Áine Furlong, Colin Flynn, Silvia Benini
Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics
Higher Education Language Educator Competences (HELECs)
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Higher Education Educator competences
Higher Education Language Educator Competences (HELECs1) is an inter-institutional project which investigates the range of language educator skills needed in higher education (HE). The purpose of the project is to develop an empirically-informed competence framework which is aligned with the National Forum forTeaching and Learning in Higher Education’s National Professional Development Framework for all Staff Who Teach in Higher Education (2016). The framework will provide individual language educators and programme developers with a reference point and practical tools, based on a comprehensive profile of language teaching skills, to ensure that all HE language educators are appropriately supported in their professional development. The project is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching andLearning in Higher Education’s2enhancement fund.
Grant Details
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Enhancement fund